Monday, May 4, 2009

where did the time go?

Well i wish i was a good writer because i feel like writing a story, here it goes.
Nevermind that didn't go so welll. bahaha. Anyway today was awesome. I got this really cool water bottle that I am really excited about haha. I had lunch with Kara Levi Heather and Hair. That was really cool, poor Hair though, he had to ride in the back of the truck. He looked like he was having fun though. Then after school listened to Cassidy bitched how our play sucked, that was fun. But whatever she has her own opinion. I think i did terribly on my map of the world test. Yay for cheating. I really hate cheating, I just need to start studing. Learn from your mistakes, I think yes! So new rule in life study! Well that kinda has always been a rule, I just need to start obeying it. But other than that today was really awesome, I have a much better out look on life latley. I am just happy a lot of the time.
So i decided that if I could have any power in the entire world it would be to read minds. I am always wondering what people are thinking and then I could just read their mind, yeah it may cause some heart break and you know the privacy of others will be abused but I think it could be fun. Ha it could really mess with the mood. You start doing this dude and like all he is thinking about is like cars or something. But still it could be a lot of fun. I don't know why I always want to know what people are thinking, it just always is like omg what are they thinking. Haha
I hate driving though. I need to learn to drive between the lines, not on the white one:S I kept getting yelled at.
Friggin dumb brother has to go and kill poor animals. Fuck it makes me so sad. I started bawling last night because of it. I just hate it. Well i am done for the day:D

“They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

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