Monday, May 4, 2009

hair and I's awesome story! (mostly hair)

Britni says:
a girl named bridget and how bored she was ha
mikey says:
hmmm, good start
mikey says:
then you add something to spice her life
mikey says:
add a dash of romance
mikey says:
and write about a time traveler
mikey says:
he's handsome
mikey says:
and has come back because they met in the future and he wanted more time with her
Britni says:
haha oh really
mikey says:
:) he has, and because he messed things up tih her in the future
mikey says:
and she left him
mikey says:
so he devoted his time, his life to finding a way to get her back
Britni says:
mikey says:
so he makes a time machine and goes back two years before they met
Britni says:
then they got a pet dinosaur and yeah
mikey says:
hahaha, if you so wished
mikey says:
if i were you i would name is fluffy
mikey says:
mikey says:
for irony's sake
Britni says:
alright then what happened
mikey says:
well he goes back
mikey says:
and he's completely straight with her
mikey says:
telling her how he messed up and how much he loves her and what he did
mikey says:
and it freaks her out
mikey says:
and she thinks he's a crazy stalker type
Britni says:
haha okay
mikey says:
so then he goes back again
mikey says:
and this time, he doesn't tell her
Britni says:
mikey says:
he doesn't use words to convince her of his love
mikey says:
he uses actions
Britni says:
mikey says:
and of course his previous knowledge
mikey says:
he knows what she likes
mikey says:
so this time he can do nothing wrong
Britni says:
i see!
mikey says:
and so after many years of wooing her and what not
mikey says:
they are completely in love
mikey says:
so he figures it's safe to tell her
mikey says:
she freaks again and thinks that she was manipulated into loving this creepy guy
Britni says:
how daD:
mikey says:
he's more than devastated
Britni says:
mikey says:
he re works his time machine device and rigs it to explode
mikey says:
with the full intention of killing himself
mikey says:
when it detonates
Britni says:
mikey says:
it actually throws him back to his time, but destroys the machine
Britni says:
mikey says:
he's still suicidal and depressed
Britni says:
mikey says:
but one day, out of desperation, he decides to find and talk to his long lost lover, and it's now been many years since the initial break up thing
mikey says:
he finds her, at the place they first met
mikey says:
in a park, sitting on a bench
mikey says:
he sits down next to her, and confesses all he did
mikey says:
she listens silently
mikey says:
and when he's down she doesn't say anything
mikey says:
he doesn't know what to do or think, so he gets up
mikey says:
walks away
Britni says:
Mikey says:
he gets about 15 paces when there's a tug at his arm, it's her, she has tears in her eyes, but a familiar fierce look, she needs not tell him anything, they understand each other perfectly. she understands that everything he did, it proved that he loved her more than life itself, and he understands that she forgives him. the story ends with a kiss. it's the perfect kiss, sweet, but passionate, innocent, but fiery.

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