Tuesday, May 12, 2009

where did my personality go?

It is missing, tell me if you find it.
So now my grandpa is in the hospital, and may have cancer? Oh and is having kidney failure? Wtf wtf wtf!! I don't get this, and I am not even going to try. How could this happen. But he will be okay, I am positive. I know he will be okay.
I am tired of today, I am tired of this week, I am tired of being a depressing person that everyone is asking am I okay. Or oh I am so sorry. But whatever atleast people care about me? Notice me? AHh.
I hate the feeling of being helpless.

I just need a sholder to cry on just for one night, lay there and cry. Kara where are you? Okay no more depressing blog. I can be okay right?

I shaved my legs, and they are really soft. I am proud of it. Another thing I am proud of. My sisters. They are graduating college on Saturday! They will be RN's. That is amazing to me, one sister raised a kid, supported her family, and went to school full time. The other is 21. She stuck to it while holding down a full time job, and with her life. I am just so proud.
Also, my little brother and sister are promoting next Thursday! That is awesome too. They are amazing people. Ha, I am the only one not graduating other than my older brother, I think it is funny.

Can you suck dick and swollow if you are a vegitarian conversation made my friggin day! Oh and spitting on hair(and i still feel so bad) was sooooo funny. I had a good day after this morning. I really shouldn't complain so much.

I feel terrible though I poor my guts out to people, it must annoy them. I must not annoy. I need a new bathing suit! Well a top atleast. Stupid friggin boobs!! STOP GROWING! And I ain't coming to your party. (:
Slowing parts of me are coming back. Like my smile. I smiled today! A real smile. Awesome.

"I wanna hold your hand"

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