Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i wish i could come up with a cool title?

I really am tired:P. Today was a really amazing but long day. I love the play and love everything about it. I really enjoyed dressing up today in my party clothing. I thought that i looked good, i always feel so conceded when i say something like that, but is it bad to have self confidence? I think that i really suck at blogging. I never have really anything interesting to talk about, but whatever:D. I am really happy with what i have. I really like hanging out with new people that you never really spend time with other than like rehersal and stuff, you really get to know a person. I have been reallly figity lately, I really have no idea why.
I really liked them all coming to my house. It was a lot of fun. I hope they know that I enjoy having their company. I just like talking to people, it is a lot of fun. I kinda feel bad though because I feel like i make other people's plans into my own. I need to fix that. I need to fix a lot of things about myself. Like I think I talk about myself way too much:P.
afjaklsdjfklasdjfkladj. I really hope i don't annoy people. I really feel like I do. I don't know.
I hate those moods when you are super unsure of yourself. I am in one of those right now. I really don't like it but whatever life goes on?
I wish i had something like really important to talk about, but i don't:P. Eff my life. Not really i am pleased about where life is heading right now. I really like the group of people that I have been around, they really do make me happy. Even though I don't know how well they like me, I always wonder if i like force myself upon people. If I do, I am sorry, I really don't mean too. Or like I feel like i like people a lot more than they like me. I think that I am a really insecure person. Wow I really have a problem about capitalizing the word "I". I say that word much too much, it really is lame. I really don't know how to talk without using that word, this is really depressing me right now. LAME. haha all well, I think I am going to go to sleep.
Oh wait today is a wonderful day! I got to walk, no more crutches!!!

-“Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”

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