Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do I suck? I really want to know this. I am just tired of being put down by people. I do really feel like a terrible person and that isn't me. I do apologize to anyone that my words may have hurt. BUT i will not take any of them back, if I said something it was true and I do not regret saying it. Everyone talks shit, well almost everyone, and everyone gets shit talked about them. It really is part of life. I guess people just deal with it differently. Yeah i really care what people think about me, it is a big problem that I have, but i just let all the shit roll off my shoulder. The reason why is I know everyone does it! It is part of life, yeah i take some of it to heart but i don't go and tell the world about it. I really am not like that, I really wish people would take the time to learn that about me sometimes. But whatever fuck the haters, liars, posers, and the dicks. I am done with your bitch ass drama, so if you are going to start it with me trust me there will be no fighting back i am really done.
Today was relaxing, i feel better, yay days of sleep. (:
I think I am changing, coming into myself. I don't know.

I LOVE Carolyn Jordan Hancock!

- People keep saying your going the wrong way, but simply your going your way.

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