Monday, April 27, 2009

Well today was a good day. School is almost out so that is a plus. My hair looked good, not trying to sound conceded, and Mr. Cluff told me i looked good. Selling tickets at lunch kinda sucked, i really hate being ignored. But no harm no foul. I don't understand what the fuck happeded in third hour. She was just blaming everything on me and wow that sucked, it's not like you are the only one that people talk shit about. It happens, get the fuck over it. That is all I have to say about that problem. I really don't care anymore about people shit!
My foot has really been hurting today, I really hope that walking on it didn't mess it up. I have my apt Wednesday at 9:45 so i will be late for call, and that is okay with me. I am just happy to get this bad boy off. I miss walking.
I have a headache and I am not enjoying it, who does.

-The greatest thing you will learn is to love, and be loved in return.
-Moulin Rouge


  1. What hurt was you talking the shit and expecting everything to be fine. Its not. That was so low and I didn't expect it from you. Oz-yes. Liz-Maybe. You-no. That hurt. You can not expect to say shit about people behind their backs and be forgiven, Brit. That's wrong-maybe other people are fine with it but not me. I needed support and not even more shit. You think its funny but in all reality its not and its going to get you into trouble later on in life. You might think its all fun and games now, and that its cute, but its not. I'm trying to watch out for you baby. I love you I really, really do. But you really kicked me when I was down instead of confronting me about it. And it wasn't your business to start with honey. It was between me and Liz and Mr. Willard. I didn't do anything wrong, Willy is the one that pulled me aside and told me she was leaving-I freaked out, I really think she is doing a great job and wouldn't want to do it with out her. That's what I have to say. I wasn't blaming you- I was confused as to what I did to you to deserve that, I have only been nice to you and you body slammed me. You just hurt me that's all. So if you want to go tell everyone about this message and how I was a bitch, go ahead-but that's going to be it babe. I can't keep trying to make things work with people who are going to throw me on the ground. I love you darling. Tee.

  2. Hey baby. I love love love you.
    Did I ignore you at lunch? If I did, I'm sorry, it was just weird to talk to Cass.
    I meant to call you earlier, I just lost track of time.
    Yay for Wednesday!!!
    I love you:)
