Tuesday, March 24, 2009

spring time(:

So spring is finally here, and i am loving every moment of it. I went down to the valley with Alexis and that was super fun. We stayed at Kelly's house and she and Derek are just awesome. On Saturday we went to Laura's Walk and that was really fun. It was a 5K walk/run. I was so tired afterwards. Then we went back to Kelly's house and had a bbq, ha and we watched 10,000bc. That movie is so good. And then on Sunday we went rock climbing and my arms are still sore, but i must say i kinda had a knack for it.(: That evening we had a delitious dinner. We also went to Derek's parents house and man it was pretty. We picked fruit from the fruit tree and then we were America's Next Top Model. That was really fun. On Monday, we had panda, that was amazing, then Alexis and I went shopping, i got this really cute shirt and some jewlery. I just had a wonderful time, and the weather was wonderful. I am glad that I had a good time, i really did need it. My mood just feels so much better. Today is only Tuesday and i have a full Spring Break left, i will take advantage of it(:! I want to go fly a kite with Tierra, I miss her.

-Be Free and Make a Wish


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