Saturday, July 11, 2009

well well well

I am out of it. I miss alot of people. I really wish someone would like just show up to see me, that would make me very happy. I wish michael was my man. haha I am just a loser like that.
My foot really isn't hurting right now:P Good for pain pills but they are making me feel fucking funny haha. But its all good. I am going to church tomorrow? For the baptisum of alexis. That will be fun. I get to be out of the house. And that is good. I really wanna take a shower but I can't, I think I am just going to wash my hair in the sink that will make me feel a little bit better. The day has gone by so sloww! I think I took like 23890 naps:O haha. I think that it is funny. Don't mess witht he zohan is a effin weird ass movie. Hahaha but I can't really concentrate:O, but whatever. I really don't need to right>? THis blog is terrible but whatever:D

"head over feet:O"

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