Monday, July 20, 2009

topsy tervery.

I don't understand people. Like they are just so confusing. Some people are open and share how they feel with people. Some people are recluse don't tell anyone anything. And then there are the people that are a mixture of the two. I don't know what kind or person I am. I love getting things off my chest and confronting people. But on the same side I like keeping secrets. Having stuff to think of all on my own.
I know that I am changing. And I think it is mostly dew to me spending all this time with me. It feels nice knowing more of who I am and changing. I mean I used to not confront anyone and now I am straight up. And that may not be 100% wonderful but it's nice. I am glad of who I am. Nobody can change me.
People really piss me off. Judging me on what I write in my blog, saying things that aren't true and that embarrass me. Like wtf is people problems. Hurting people to be "funny" to make them selves feel better? But whatever it doesn't matter what you think of me. Say what you please. Sticks and stones may brake my bones but your words can never hurt me. SO thanks a lot for trying but you failed.
I am looking a little bit forward for school to start. I miss my friends. I miss having a life. I miss feeling like I have something to do. But on the other hand I am like shit I have to go to school. But we will see what this year brings. Hopefully a love life haha. But oh no I wouldn't want to sound obsessed :O. Ha fuck you(:

"Love is a color only the blind can see"

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