Thursday, July 23, 2009

ha ironic.

What have a gotten myself into? What is this mess of lies that are being told to me? Are they lies or are they the truth? Is she just crazy or is he just trying to get some? Fuck I don't know?

Kara call me right away if you read this. I need help sorting out a mess:s.
I lovee you.

"up and down back and forth girl you'll be my whore. you're so fucked up."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Are you fucking kidding me?

Monday, July 20, 2009

topsy tervery.

I don't understand people. Like they are just so confusing. Some people are open and share how they feel with people. Some people are recluse don't tell anyone anything. And then there are the people that are a mixture of the two. I don't know what kind or person I am. I love getting things off my chest and confronting people. But on the same side I like keeping secrets. Having stuff to think of all on my own.
I know that I am changing. And I think it is mostly dew to me spending all this time with me. It feels nice knowing more of who I am and changing. I mean I used to not confront anyone and now I am straight up. And that may not be 100% wonderful but it's nice. I am glad of who I am. Nobody can change me.
People really piss me off. Judging me on what I write in my blog, saying things that aren't true and that embarrass me. Like wtf is people problems. Hurting people to be "funny" to make them selves feel better? But whatever it doesn't matter what you think of me. Say what you please. Sticks and stones may brake my bones but your words can never hurt me. SO thanks a lot for trying but you failed.
I am looking a little bit forward for school to start. I miss my friends. I miss having a life. I miss feeling like I have something to do. But on the other hand I am like shit I have to go to school. But we will see what this year brings. Hopefully a love life haha. But oh no I wouldn't want to sound obsessed :O. Ha fuck you(:

"Love is a color only the blind can see"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

(: party

last night

Was just what I needed. I am happy(:
Thank you Derek, Alexis, Sharina, Sam, Ashley and whoever else was there.
bahaha. Crazy shit(:

Friday, July 17, 2009

you know what

I'll just make a wish(:
I think I totally give up on guys. All they do is let me down. Even the guy I expected to be different. I am really getting tired of shit, so I am just stopping trying. Whatever. I am tired of being sad. I am tired of being alone. But whatever I am just a cry baby I guess. Or immature? Who knows?

Today was pretty chill. Summer is a bad ass. Too bad her mom took her home D:. I am not tired what so ever. Which is a bummer like super dooper I just want to sleep and wake up happy? Can that happen? I guess we will see. I hate being such a downer:P It sucks. I love my friends. And I still have high hopes.

"love and let live"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i lost my pen

I wanna be that skinny againD:
It really is no good. I am feeling in a much better mood tonight:D And that is very swell:D I am going to see Harry Pottah tomorrow at 3 with Summer? Then we're going to hang out at my house. haha that should be fun, and very interesting in my opinion:D We have no clokes D: haha so no dressing like Harry. bahaha.
I feel good right now. Not on drugs:O. and my foot is feeling fine. I decided I may just be giving up on the nigger. Like really you can come to me fool D: I love sleeping. I like slept in till frigging 1 today haha. It was awesome. whoo/
Daniel and I are going to have a picinic on friday:D He really is like my best friend. I love him. haha and we aren't dating:O Even though people seem to think that? haha. My foot is cold damn ice. I really wish i had like something meaningful to write D: It is lame haha. But whatever. I like writing about nothing. Bleh fuck cancer:P poor kid on south park D: haha
well I think that this pointless blog has gone on far enough.

"Music is all around you; all you have to do is listen"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


decided i am crazy(:
haha this post is deleted;D

Saturday, July 11, 2009

well well well

I am out of it. I miss alot of people. I really wish someone would like just show up to see me, that would make me very happy. I wish michael was my man. haha I am just a loser like that.
My foot really isn't hurting right now:P Good for pain pills but they are making me feel fucking funny haha. But its all good. I am going to church tomorrow? For the baptisum of alexis. That will be fun. I get to be out of the house. And that is good. I really wanna take a shower but I can't, I think I am just going to wash my hair in the sink that will make me feel a little bit better. The day has gone by so sloww! I think I took like 23890 naps:O haha. I think that it is funny. Don't mess witht he zohan is a effin weird ass movie. Hahaha but I can't really concentrate:O, but whatever. I really don't need to right>? THis blog is terrible but whatever:D

"head over feet:O"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

only once they are gone.

you miss them the most.

I really don't get it. haha I had THE best week of the summer and this week is just fucking shitty. Like wtf, i am acting all weird and insecure? I freaking hate it. like why can't i just stay happy for more than one week? like ever since the fourth it's been a shitty ass week.
surgery in like what 2 days? i wanna go to the lake and swim with someone haha.
i want michael to ask me out ?
i want too much haha
imma fucking weird person.

"everyone makes mistakes"

Monday, July 6, 2009


And kara hancock is my best friend. and i hung out with her on saturday!
she is my best friend so much

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So I have had like the best week in my entire life(:. I've just felt so happy, it is a nice change!
Monday: hung out daniel at the game, hung out with lex.
Tuesday: warped with lex and cii. and michael and lonnie(:
Wednesday: hung out with daniel then michael(:
Thursday: hung out with michael. and daniel
Friday: haha guess who. michael and daniel.
Saturday: 4Th of July. parade. bbq ha with daniel. fireworks with michael!(: then daneil stayed the night haha. weird but funny.

If you don't know daniel is my best friend. thought i would clarify that.

i donno i am happy.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

haha conversation

the conversation i just over heard:

MoM: James i just washed your underwear

James: what! why mom!!!

haha they are supposedly good luck?
i don't know its funny.

warped was awesome! i got to hang out with michael:D he is amazing:D

and with will I am worried i did the wrong thing by letting him go and may regret it but. like he said when i am older he is a phone call away:P