Monday, August 31, 2009


I really don't get what was so wrong with me, why i never got my chance, why i was just looked right through. fun and then heartbreak i guess i am just not worth it. whatever. i'm moving on. have fun in your petty relationships that mean nothing. i would have meant something, i know it.
I past it. I'm on to new things.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


it's all alright(:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

i fucking hate you

I can't believe this. I am so ashamed. I really wish that I thought before I acted and now I am paying for what I did.
Today someone I didn't consider a great friend became one. She actally asked me about a rumor to see if it was true or not. And she told me that all of my friends knew and they haven't said a thing. FUCK THEM. I"m going to fucking kill him, I really hate his, with the strongest passion. I've never hated anyone. NEVER! until now. I am so hurt. I am ashamed of my self, I am mortafied. Honestly, I don't know. I hate me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

fuck school.

I hate school. Everyone it seems like decided to be ass holes to me. What the fuck ever thank you lunch friends for leaving me out of everything. It felt fucking great.
Whatever. Fuck school. Daniel is the only one who made me feel better with his wonderous hug:D

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I really think that I need to change myself for the better. I just need to clean up my act. I want to make people proud of who I am. This year I will change, I will be a better me. I think I will feel better about myself. Proud of myself. Of who I am.

I am really nervous about school starting. Its not a good feeling. I don't know anyone in my first hour. And that is really scary to me. I always feel so awkward with people that I don't know. I don't feel comfortable what so ever. Argh I hate it:P. I am also afraid that I will be limping at school. And that it's going to hurt at school. Like fuck):. I just need to be positive. I will have people in my class. POSITIVE:O. No downerness as Daniel would say.

I don't know what I am going to wear to school I have to map that all out tomorrow. Gotta look good aye. Dress to impress. :D It'll make me feel good about myself I guess haha. My foot isn't feeling too fly. So it's like fuck that. I just really want to cut it off right now.

I am kinda upset right now with my sister moving out, I am really going to miss her even though she is just like moving into town. I just feel that she will forget all about us. I hardly see her as it is ): But I guess maybe I could go and stay with her. :O Now that would be bad ass. I don't know it is just crazy.

"growing old is inevitable; but growing up is optional."

holy shit

bahaha everyone is becoming lesbians:O


I wanna go to a wedding. I wanna have a wedding. They are just so pretty and get me all choked up. :P

Kendra<-- man I love that show. I just thought I'd share. She has nice boobs haha.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


That website just cracks me up and makes me feel way better(: Even if I am feeling great.
Life is better. I'm not worring about shit. My best friend came over and we made some cookies that didn't work but were so yummy, haha. Even though I burnt my finger D:. Damn Daniel.
School is like less that a fucking week:P. I am excited but really nervous. I don't even know why. There are 5 people it will be awkward to see:/.
Fuck haha I don't feel like blogging. FML

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I give up. FUCK YOU. haha and your manly girlfriend:O.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
why do i still want you?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

hello world.

Everything is almost in order. School is starting in like a week and four days. That is somewhat depressing. The freedom of summer is almost over. But as my good friend Daniel said, "Don't be depressed, you'll get to see me every day." And that kinda made everything okay. I'm kind of afraid I won't have any one is my classes that i actually know. That is suckish. But whatever i'll deal(:. My schedule is:
Spanish 1 with Allen
Biology with Johnson
English 10 Ap Prep with Fredley
History of World Religions with Cluffy(:

It will be a new and exciting year I hope. New friends, New boys(i hope:p), New life.

Saturday, August 1, 2009